Solution Overview
Why We’re Here
SkyThread is organized to bring the post pandemic aviation industry together to rethink and restructure how it collaborates on matters related to its efficient, profitable, sustainable, and safe operation. To achieve this vision, SkyThread enables the neutral and trusted link for friction-free transactions in the aviation ecosystem. These transactions involve aircraft events, part movements, and technician capacity. SkyThread facilitates this with help from key new technologies such as blockchain.
SkyThread Design
SkyThread is comprised of two central components:
The Utility Layer, comprising of the 4Ps Entity Data Model on a secure, consensus-driven Blockchain, along with federation infrastructure to connect to other industry Blockchains and off-chain data.
The Transaction Layer, comprising of APIs to securely access the Utility Layer and a series of applications—developed by SkyThread and 3rd parties—focused on leveraging Utility Layer data to optimize a variety of aviation transactions. These applications are organized into Solution Bundles, which are described below.
Critical to the success of SkyThread is a close partnership with an independent consortium.
Why Blockchain
The problem of information sharing in aviation is not new, and the industry has not lacked for intelligent solutions. Through direct involvement in many of these solutions, SkyThread’s team understands that to succeed, we must not just solve for data infrastructure, communications, and analytics, but also trust.
Enabling, ensuring, and maintaining trust must be at the core of a successful data exchange, or any digital transformation involving data sharing between multiple stakeholders. SkyThread understands that Blockchain’s core value as a technology is to ensure transactional trust between non-aligned and competitive parties.