Ancillary Lifecycle
SkyThread’s solution bundles cover key opportunity areas for our primary vision around Planes, Parts, People and Places. The use cases in this bundle cover unique aspect of the operations and value drivers for airframes, tier 1 OEM, airlines / operators, MRO providers and leasing companies. As we look deeper into some of the value chain members strategies and operations post pandemic, we see a “next level” opportunities in the areas below.
Airline Health Monitoring Integration
The airframers, engine providers, Tier-1 OEMs, and airlines have been working for many years to provide digital and analytics solutions for their own operations, their customers, and their suppliers. For example, Airbus Skywise was launched as an internal effort to improve the assembly line on the A350 aircraft and was later introduced to customers as a value chain analytics platform.
Individually, these are promising solutions. From an ecosystem standpoint, the industry needs a cross platform data standards process and a way to enable friction free transactions around planes, parts, and people. SkyThread will work with the providers of these solutions, their customers, and suppliers to simplify and improve data sharing.
SkyThread supports the goals of these platforms in improving aircraft safety, managing asset lifecycles and continuous aircraft modeling. SkyThread does not replace the functionality included in these platforms but provides fuel to boost their results and improve cross platform efficiencies.
Expanded Leasing Solution
Aircraft Records Management is a key current technology layer in managing the lifecycle of current leased aircraft. SkyThread is looking for opportunities to integrate to these solutions to improve the lease management and lease return processes
Engine Specific Use-Cases and Analytics
The engine providers have been “out front” in terms of asset lifecycle management and predictive analytics for their engines. This work could inform where the industry evolves for the rest of the aircraft, from nose to tail. SkyThread supports those discoveries and expansion efforts.
Putting a “Brain on a Plane”
Tier-1 providers have been working for some time to follow their products into the aftermarket and better understand how parts operate over their life within various aircraft configurations. SkyThread has identified and is working on over a dozen benefit themes that would bring the goals of the Tier-1 providers and the airlines together for mutual benefits.
For more information about Ancillary Use-Cases, please contact: